Sunday, October 31, 2010

Anderson, You Stay Classy

As always, Anderson Cooper brilliantly cuts to the center of the Clint McCance issue: " We think you should see his face…We think you should know his name. Clint McCance." I love what he's doing. He's routing the bully out of his electronic groundhog hole. Expose the haters for who they are, otherwise they'll just keep up the hateful rhetoric.
Later on in the interview, one of the graduates of Midland High School, Anthony Turner is interviewed. He is a formerly bullied gay kid who was advocating for wearing purple to in Midland. He said, that he likes the It Gets Better campaign, but, "We have a responsibility to make sure that it gets better now.. We have to look at our public policy and a situation where hate like this, where this kind of horrible conduct can come from a public official and nothing can be done about it." He goes on to say that in rural communities, gay kids "have nothing" no PFLAG, GLSEN groups to go to.
This is why individual educators have to step up and state the case for them.
Later on in the broadcast Anderson interviews Rosalind Wiseman author of Queen Bees & Wannabees, an anti-bullying advocate.
Money Quote: "What he (Clint McCance) is doing is fundamentally anti-child and anti-education. And what the colleagues around him have to be able to say 'this cannot stand' and if we don't do that…then we lose credibility with our own children."
We educators must use our platform to make gay okay.
If you didn't wear purple last week, then do something else to improve conditions for gay kids in your school.

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