Friday, March 18, 2011

This I Believe

Kids are worth every minute of crap I take.  (I'll explain the crap in my next post.)  No matter how much I hate the politics related to my job – and politics have created an emotional roller coaster this week  -- The kids always rise to the occasion and remind me why I’m a teacher.  This week I assigned my juniors to write a short statement of personal philosophy based on Edward R. Murrow’s original NPR series This I Believe.  The quality of these papers is to their credit, because it was my first time with this project, and I didn't introduce it very well! 
Their responses were BRILLIANT.  I wish I could get permission to share them all with you.  Kids bravely stood in front of the class and told their stories about living as the child of a poverty-stricken single mother, of having to live through a cousin’s murder, and of being the victim of bullying.  Many kids were physically shaking they were so nervous.  But every one was thoughtful, well-written and personal.  They were beautiful; simply wonderful.  I think I will bake them some cookies!

1 comment:

  1. So awesome! Methinks this happened at just the time it was supposed to for you.

    We're talking about using elements of This I Believe to develop our alcohol panel presentation for freshman orientation. I'll let you know how it goes!!!
