If you remember, during February, Wisconsin state senator Glen "slobby" Grothman had his 15 min. of fame on Ed Schultz calling the protesters in Madison, Wisconsin a "bunch of slobs". Mr. Grothman is at it again. Yesterday I read this rag which prompted the following response from me -- please forgive me -- I had just finished teaching unit on satire in which we read "A Modest Proposal" by Jonathan Swift.
Why blame the young mothers?
Because clearly the rise in out of wedlock births is showing a great success in
the anti-abortion, anti-sex education/abstinence only education policies.
Why don't we just force poor women to be sterilized? Perhaps we should take
their children away from them if they cannot pay for them and give them to
people who can pay. We should reduce mothers to a desperate statistic and show
the world how horrible these irresponsible women are. They probably got
pregnant by themselves, on purpose, anyway. Clearly if the un-wed mothers tried
a little harder they could get a reality show gig to pay for their babies.
Better yet -- let's get rid of all the affordable, accessible health care
provided by Planned Parenthood. Clearly young women don't need these services
because statistics show they aren't using birth control!
No. I have another, better solution. Let's villify the young mothers -- show
the world how their slutty behavior is the downfall of civilization and a threat
to marriage (Oh, sorry, wrong argument -- that's the gays).
But here's the ultimate solution. Why don't we just take the babies away from
the young un-wed mothers and sell them as food? A young child of 11 or 12
months would make a nice roast, barbecue, or stew with the proper seasonings.
Maybe that's what you could serve at your next fundraising dinner? I'm sure
your donors would pay at least $500.00 a plate for such a delicacy.
Let's leave the children of Wisconsin born to un-wed mothers without food,
clothing and a reasonable public education. That will make everyone want to
live here, locate their factories here and create many jobs here.
You are a very caring and helpful person, Mr. Grothman. You are only looking
out for the welfare of the people who are able to contribute to your campaign
fund, not the silly women who don't even pay taxes.
Clearly I was wrong in your attack on the women of Wisconsin.
Ms. L
p.s. I should mention that Jonathan Swift helped me with my letter.
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