Sunday, October 23, 2011

Maybe my first FBI file entry?

Congressman Ryan,
I respectfully request some clarification on your philosophy/ideology.  I know I am not a constituent of yours, but I am a citizen of Wisconsin and a teacher who has read and studied several of Rand's novels.  You claim to be a devotee of Ayn Rand  (it has been reported in several reputable newspapers that you have your staff read the novel Anthem) and yet you are a member of a Christian church -- a fact that would have appalled Rand -- and you work for the taxpayers of Wisconsin rather than yourself.  Getting government paycheck, taxpayer funded healthcare, and a taxpayer funded pension would not have fit Rand's version of Individualism.  I know you work hard for these benefits (as I work hard for mine) and  I don't mean any disrespect by this inquiry.   However,  I don't understand how being part of the "socialist/collectivist" construct Rand railed against is being an "individualist".   I know that Rand wrote fiction, and much of it was speculative.  But it would be interesting to me and to my students to understand which parts of Rand's philosophies you accept and which of them you reject.  
Kristin Lohrentz  

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